An intensive training where you learn various boxing and kicking techniques on a heavy bag without physical contact. During this training you work on a bag together with your partner. Extra attention is paid to the conditional and strength aspects of this beautiful martial art. By practicing different boxing and kicking combinations, a lot of attention is paid to the correct execution of these combinations. Would you like to go all out for a while? Then this is definitely a suitable lesson for you!

The difference with the bag training is that you work with a partner. These lessons are always structured differently but always include a warm-up, technique part, strength and cardio exercises. We often use pads and kick/punch bags for these lessons to build different combinations with each other. Here you also learn how to defend a punch or kick and how to quickly respond with a counter. Very educational lesson where you will make progress quickly. It is a must that you already know the basic techniques of kickboxing. This lesson is not recommended for beginners. Sparring is voluntary but wearing a mouthguard and shin guards is mandatory. In our official boxing ring, people who want to spar can build up a very nice experience.
Our kickboxing lessons are also suitable for real beginners. Start from scratch and go back to basics. What are the punching and kicking techniques, how do I stand, how do I regulate my breathing and how can I practice these at my leisure under the guidance of a certified instructor. Ready2Rumble is the perfect place to do this... Everyone learns at their own pace and in their own way... Don't be afraid... We all started some were! You can borrow gloves from us!